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Безналичный расчёт

Bank transfer

When you place an order from the website or at points of sale you’ll receive an invoice with our banking details. The invoice can be paid:

  • In the bank unit, by filling out a form
  • Through internet banking
Наличный расчёт

Cash payment

The order from the online shop can be paid in cash in any brand store of our company.

Банковской картой

Bank card

The order from the online shop can be paid by bank card in any brand store of our company.

Безналичный расчёт

Bank transfer

After order completion on the site or in the brand store you’ll be issued an invoice and, if necessary, a delivery contract with payment details. When you receive your order you will get documents required by your accounting department:

  • An original bill
  • TORG-12 consignment note
  • The invoice
Наличный расчёт

Cash payment

Cash payment is possible in offices and brand stores. In this case you will receive cash receipt and sales slip.